Editor's note: For some reason publishing on our Facebook page is not working properly right now, hence this English post on the website. Please share with your friends in social media if you are interested in joining the workshop!
Summer. Endless days of sunshine, happy kids and quality time with a loving extended family… Or is it always that nice? Perhaps there are rainy days too, when you all just get on each other’s nerves? In fact, it is quite common that people find holidays stressful, not least because all the time we suddenly spend together causes strain in our relationships. But don’t worry, we have just the workshop for you 😊
Polya Rosin is a relationship coach, who works with both professional and personal relationships. She contacted me a few weeks ago and proposed that we arrange a workshop together, combining her relationship skills with yoga, with the aim to give people both inspiration and a handy toolkit to use during summer if (or when) life doesn’t meet our expectations. Because there is a lot we can do to prevent strain in our relationships, both with children and adults, and thereby see to that this summer becomes a great one. If you are curious, see the outline of the workshop below for more information!
The workshop takes place on June 13th at 19.30-21.00 and will be held in English. The cost is 100 SEK. RSVP by email to jenny@djursholmyoga.se by June 10th. Note that the number of spaces is limited to 12, so don’t wait too long!
Workshop outline:
19:30-20:00 - Yoga: Grounded. Present. Mindful.
20:00-20:20 - The Ups & Downs of Life with a Family – how to turn tension into laughter & make more room for fun.
20:20-20:40 - Deep & Authentic Connections – a simple strategy to boost your personal and professional relationships.
20:40-21:00 - Yoga and meditation: Commitment. Positive energy. Higher purpose.